Collections Policy Amended
The Board of Directors of the Blackburne Creek Homeowners' Association has revised its Collections Policy to reflect changes that have evolved over the past two years and reflect the commitment that the Board has to those who faithfully pay their dues. These measures ensure that the association does not lose part of the fees when we must refer the account to our collection agency.
From time to time, we have had the odd request from new homeowners that we waive their fees as their lawyer did not advise them that there was a Homeowners’ Association in place. These procedures reinforce our principle that delinquent lawyers should not cost our association lost fees due to their omitting to advise their clients that the association is alive and well and that fees are a mandatory cost of living in Blackburne Creek. Remember, the onus for maintaining your property in good standing is with the homeowner.
One of our two new Board members, Jay White, has been developing a revised Payment System that will allow PayPal payments for the 2017-18 fiscal year. The Board will be posting these procedures, as well as further policy documents from time to time as they arise.
To view the full collections policy please click here. It can also be found in the Documents section of the website.